The Beauty Behind Science

             It should be fairly obvious by now that I am not a woman of religion. I don't subscribe to the promise of eternal life or find solace in the comfort of a large book with far too many negative attributes. I like science. I like science so much that I am writing a young adult novel just so I can get science (and progressive themes) into the hands of young people everywhere. I curl up to facts at night, and whisper sweet nothing into logic's ear before falling asleep. In short: I don't buy into mysticism, in whatever form or label it comes in and this has, at times, earned me the label of cynic, which is not only untrue, but unfair as well. 

President-Elect Donald Trump and America's Subservient Education System

What I can not accept, is the abandonment of this country's constitution and the fundamental beliefs on which it was founded. By not effectively separating church and state in many of our public schools, we are allowing the substandard education that ends up pushing out more and more under-educated and ignorant young people, who are left with no reason to question the bigotry they are presented with. In fact, they welcome it! It's all they've ever known. 

A Case Against Ignorance (And A Donald Trump Fueled Rant)

Working in combination with a particularly delicious red Zinfandel, my ignorance was violently thrown in my face the night of that moonrise. It was thrown, beaten, flogged, hanged, drawn, and quartered. I may be an intelligent woman, but holy fuck can I be stupid. My only consolation is knowing that I am not the only one who is utterly devoid of common sense in at least some way. Everyone has holes in their knowledge that beg to be filled up, (That sentence ended up somewhere different than where it started.) and that's alright. We can't all know everything.

Selfie Nation

Last week, I took my first "selfie" and posted it on my Facebook. I had recently colored my hair a much darker color than my DNA typically expresses, so I wanted to show it off a bit and begin a new chapter in my cynical, yet surprisingly cheerful, life.